We'll Train You
We'll teach you

Accelerated Freefall (AFF)

The greatest skydivers in the world are at your doorstep. Ready to hold your hand as you take that climactic step into a realm of speed, space and freedom. We can teach you to skydive solo, but our innovative programs are made to teach you how to be safe, effective and the best skydiver in any jump load. With the right training and some determination, you will earn your certification at Skydive Georgia and become a USPA licensed skydiver with the ability to jump anywhere in the US.

Accelerated Freefall ProgramAccelerated Freefall Program

What is the AFF program?

Accelerated Freefall (AFF) is a training program for skydivers who lack experience, but are determined to become a ‘skydiver’ in a short time. The program is appropriately coined ‘accelerated’ given its expedited nature as compared to slower courses like RAPS. Skydive Georgia’s program, built on the base of the USPA’s safety-directed Integrated Student Program (ISP), is fun but extensive to guarantee each trainee is prepared to carry out each jump with proficiency. Students will be trained individually or in small groups to ensure the acquisition of materials and procedures. The AFF course is no piece of cake, yet anyone can pass it given enough resources, commitment and love for the sport. With that said, the program runs smooth when a student attempts to complete the course within a few days to a few weeks. Considerably long recesses can hinder a student’s performance, advancement in the course, and can incur additional training and jump costs. While this is not always true and some students complete the course without fault over a few months’ time, large breaks can put a trainee in a less than advantageous position.


Skydive Georgia’s original program will provide you with the skills needed to skydive competently through seven levels of achievement (A-G). Each level consists of ground training and a jump. Each jump getting progressively more advanced while the training beforehand lessens as you acquire the basic skills needed to build your experience as a skydiver. The first seven levels will count as jumps toward the ultimate goal of receiving your A-License after 25 jumps.


Accelerated Freefall ProgramAccelerated Freefall Program
The program will begin with you arriving at 8 AM, followed by 4-6 hours of ground training covering skydive theory and acquisition of skydiving procedures. To finalize your ground training for the day, you will take a written test to confirm you have mastered the material you were taught. When your instructor is satisfied with the results of the test, you will make your first jump with two instructors holding onto you the entire jump. Your first solo jump is treated as an acclimation jump, where your instructors aim to hone your skills through hand signals. After about one minute of freefall and at 6,000 feet, you will deploy your parachute, pilot the canopy to the landing zone under radio guidance, all the while using the information and procedures taught in ground training to land safely. Immediately following your jump, your instructors will debrief you on what you did right and what needs some work. Remedial training will then take place to improve the skills used in your first jump, and those necessary to progress through the program.

Freefall (Level 1-7) Objectives

A Acclimation to freefall, proper body position, altitude awareness, heading awareness, chute deployment

B Stable freefall after instructor release, hover control, solo deployment

C Solo Exit, Controlled freefall turns (90°, 180°, and 360°)

D Recovery from instability (Barrel roll, front flip, back flip)

E Tracking, emergency exit rehearsals

F Tracking, docking with another jumper, controlling descent rate

G Diving exit, swoop and dock with another jumper, front riser control

Assuming your success in the AFF program, you will be cleared to solo under student status until you can complete the 17 additional jumps, guided, but not directly assisted, by instructors, practicing the skills you have learned and more advanced techniques before receiving your A-License.Skydive Georgia offers a course for the full 25 jumps called the A-License Package, which includes the entire AFF course, 25 jumps total, coach jumps, all gear rental, and five minutes in the wind tunnel at iFly Atlanta. Here at Skydive Georgia, we live, as skydivers, for the thrill of the wind rapidly rushing past as we fall towards earth, and the relaxation of coasting through air currents under the canopy. We live on the edge, though not in danger – amidst the elements, but not at their mercy.
